howling winds

The winds howl
The storm rages furious
Torrents of rain shatter
fragile windows

The two men look to each
other as one’s house falls and
the other’s stands.
The wise on the rock
the fool on the sands.

The old man howls
The old woman screams
To see their long life end
With shattered dreams.

Click for Water Statistics from Dripfina

miscellaneous verse

Quietly He speaks – to my heart
In the middle – of the day


And I would kiss my desire goodbye
Only for His love.


There’s a time when God will open your
Heart and give you your desire
He’ll fill your heart
with lasting desire to do His work.


You will be a sweet fragrance of life for the living
Death for the dying
A garden filled with choice aromatic flowers
through the living Christ.


To catch a butterfly
You must be perfectly still
and fragrantly full
Let him alight on your lovely petals and
drink God’s nectar to the full.

violet’s morning

on a cold winter’s morning
when the snow covers all we see
Like a holy blanket of white purity
So the word of God covers
All our earthly parts.

on a cold winter’s morning
when the sap freezes in the tree
the branches go to sleep, no responsibility
So the word of God freezes all
our wicked ways

on a cold winter’s morning
when the water freezes on the lake
all the anxious waves cease their endless quake
So the word of God calms our
fears and dries our tears

on a cold winter’s morning
when the sun rises in the sky
its only a symbol of the long summer fry
So the word of God promises
Life that we will soon grow

on a cold winter’s morning
there are still berries on the tree
a hungry animal will eat them gladly
So the word of God in us
will feed a hungry soul
with the hope of eternal life

Brian’s Morning

In the breaking of the day
The stars are put away
And the sun sends his rays through the clouds.

The flowers they bloom
And the earth makes room
For the shoots of grass rising to meet the dawn.

All the earth waits
And the sun anticipates
The meeting that is sure to come at dawn.

And I also wait
My life is an empty plate
For you to fill and feed my friends and I.

Once I understand
And find out who I am
I give my life determined on my cross.

You opened up my eyes
And made me realize
That in your death the sun begins to rise.